Teachers Page

Supporting Religion, Values and Ethics

ICE WALES is a Christian organisation which exists to support Primary Schools in Wales. Our goal is to share Bible stories with children and support teachers with religious teaching within the classroom.


Religion, Values and Ethics guidance from the National Curriculum in Wales states that “schools must reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Wales are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Wales”. Whilst our organisation exists solely to educate and enlighten learners about the Christian faith, we are extremely sensitive to the pluralistic nature of our society in Wales and ensure that all lessons are respectful to those of different faiths or none.


Supporting the 4 Purposes and Developing Humanities

At ICE WALES we are adapting to the new curriculum. We support the 4 purposes by encouraging children to explore new ideas about the Bible and engage critical thinking through questioning, investigation and creative role play. The Bible is taught, where appropriate, in a historical, cultural and geographical context. We always aim for our time with the children to be fun and engaging. Where appropriate we use a kinaesthetic approach. Also, we aim to help children develop a sense of wellbeing as they explore their own feelings and emotions.

We want to support the school to enable children to become

 · ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives

 · enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work

 · ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world

 · healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued

   members of society.



What we can offer

We are aware of the diverse nature of learning within our schools and are constantly adapting content to reflect the changing needs of the school curriculum. We are available for: assemblies, storytimes (KS1), workshops, after-school/lunchtime clubs and the Walk through the Bible programme (hourly lessons over five weeks)


Presently, we offer workshops for Harvest, Advent, Easter, and Yr 6 Leavers. We are currently developing a series of Cynefin Workshops celebrating the importance of Christianity to Welsh history and communities and Black History month workshops remembering Black Christians of historical significance.


All ICE WALES workers are DBS registered and all ICE WALES content is completely free.